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Cross Training Exercises - The 12 Most Popular Exercises at Crosssport 2024

Cross training exercises

Cross training exercises

12 crosstraining exercises you can do at home

Do you lack the means to go to a cross training box? That doesn't matter in this case, because here in this article you will find out how you can easily imitate the most popular cross-training exercises at home without a box and training plans. To get some exercise as efficiently as possible, bodyweight exercises are very effective for building muscle and don't cost a lot of money.

Cross sport exercises

You can train best with your own weight and thus form the perfect basis for your daily workout. Only one thing needs to be said about the WOD (Workout of the Day) and that is that you should always pay attention to your own safety. Because you train at home without a trainer who can support you or even correct you in an emergency.

Whether your personal training is five or twenty minutes long, be sure to do each execution of the training as carefully as possible. You don't always need cross-sport equipment for training without weights.

What actually is cross training?

You yourself have certainly heard the word at one time or another, but can't imagine what it means? This method was developed over the years by Greg Glassman in the United States.

His personal motivation was to improve people's fitness. Crosstraining consists of numerous position changes that include both functional movements and high speed changes. The complete workout consists of elements such as running, rowing, gymnastics, weight lifting and various others that have a positive effect on you.

It was the movements of everyday life that inspired the basic movements of cross training. This includes pushing, pulling, bending, rotating or lifting. In addition, time is a big factor in the world of cross sports. Rather, it is about maximizing the amount of effort in the temporal phase.

The word intensity plays a big role. The more exercises are completed in the shortest possible time intervals, the more effective the training is. Rather, through the use of a wide variety of exercises, your health and fitness should be successfully improved.

What does cross training bring you?

Are you wondering what training effect crosstraining has for you personally? It doesn't matter whether you want to build muscle, reduce body fat or just lose weight. The decisive factor here is that Crosssport can support you in exactly what you want. The good thing is that this sport uses a large number of muscle groups at the same time, which increases its effectiveness many times over.

The focus is on a balanced and sporty basis and at the same time strengthens your existing skills. You will quickly notice that your mobility, endurance, strength and power develop positively and become a support in everyday life. You can not only expand your physical limits, but also eliminate your individual weaknesses. It can therefore be said that cross-sport has a positive influence on your fitness and health.

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Which target group is served?

So far, cross training has been used more in areas such as boot camps or police schools. Elite units, soldiers and even professional athletes have been made ready for action with the support of cross training, because the quick and at the same time effective success of this method is very beneficial. Over time, however, the "cross sport" training method has crept more and more into our everyday lives and has since been offered more and more to men and women in numerous fitness studios worldwide.

But you don't need to panic now, because you don't have to be a sports veteran to be able to actively practice the sport. The flexible workout can be a great challenge, but with specially trained trainers, it can be adapted to your personal fitness level and needs.

The basic idea is that cross-sport training is suitable for everyone. It doesn't matter whether you are just starting out or are a high-performing professional athlete. Put simply, everyone finds their place in this sport. Green Glassman believes that it doesn't matter what your gender or age, you choose the intensity of your workout.

No one else but you determines the number of repetitions and the speed and adjusts them to your needs. You will quickly notice that you are improving from time to time and adjust your goals accordingly. In no time you will see how cross training has a positive effect on your health and fitness.

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By far the 12 most popular cross-sport exercises


If you've done the squats correctly, you should have engaged about 400 muscle groups at once. The squat is ideal for those who haven't done anything in the hip area for a long time. The execution begins and ends with a full body extension.

Make sure your pelvis and knees are in line with your body and your feet are as wide as your shoulders. This also means that your gaze is directed to the front in order to get a balanced center of the body.

Make sure that your heels remain firmly on the ground during the entire phase and that your knees are actively pushed outwards over the ankle joints. Your center of the body is stressed and your torso stays upright. Now bring tension in the middle of your body and try to lower your buttocks down as far as possible. You do this as far as possible, but at most up to the height of the knee joint. During the downward movement, your arms are guided in front of the body.

When standing up, make sure that you actively push your legs outwards until your pelvis and knees are in full extension again. So in about 20 versions should be possible for a beginner.

Bulgarian lunges

The Bulgarian lunges are another form of lunges. For this it would be good if you look for a low chair, stool or couch where you can put your toes on the seat. With your second leg you take a big step forward. The position change is performed as in the squat. The knees are exactly over the hocks and move slightly outwards.

With your upper body straight, lower your pelvis until you reach knee height. With the front leg, push yourself back up over your heel until you are back in the starting position. Your gripping hands are either on the pelvis or are weighed down with the help of small weights (water bottle or small dumbbells). Repeat this 10 times per side.

Jumping Jacks

You probably know the Jumping Jacks from your childhood. It was a fun and harmless sports movement back then, but they're not at all. It is not without reason that these are practiced in various boot camps around the world. Even today, it makes even the strongest of people sweat.

Stand up straight for this. Your feet should be next to each other and your left and right arm should hang down to the side. Make sure your palms are facing forward.

Now jump up and spread your legs so that they stand shoulder-width apart. While jumping, the arms are brought up to the side so that they briefly touch above the head. Then you jump back to the starting position.

Butterfly sit-ups

These Butterfly Sit Ups are the most effective among the ab exercises. That's why the Crosssport program uses it. To do this, you have to sit on the floor and put your legs up. At the same time, your knees fall outwards, the soles of your feet touch and are pulled as close to your body as possible.

Now you touch the ground in front of your feet with both hands. Then swing your upper limbs over your head, bringing the upper section of your body back. Do this until your left and right arm are behind your head and your back is on the ground. Now use the momentum from them and core strength to get back up and into the starting position.

For this training exercise, place a folded towel under your back to protect your lumbar vertebrae as best as possible.

hollow rock

To do this, lie down on the ground. Straighten your limbs and make sure they are off the ground. Now bring your body into tension and rock your body back and forth like a swing ship. You repeat this 10-15 times.


For a dip, it is best to take a chair, the sofa or another suitable elevation where you can do the exercise. Sit in front of it and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the object you have chosen for the training exercise. Push yourself up so that your buttocks are off the ground. You are now in the initial position.

To do the dip, let your butt sink down so that it is just before the ground. At the same time, bend your elbows. Then you stretch your arms again, which brings you back up. 10-15 times is a good guideline for a beginner.

Hand release push up

The most important thing in the push up is the body tension in the torso area. With this exercise, your body should form a straight line and not sag limply. Your hands are shoulder-width apart in the starting position and are also exactly below it. As you do this, lower your upper body and make sure your elbows are as close to your core as possible.

You have reached the end position when your chest has touched the ground, your hands briefly lose contact with the ground and your hips are in the air. Now push yourself back up and try to make sure you are actively maintaining core tension. You repeat this as often as you can.

Mountain climber

With the mountain climber, the starting position is very similar to that of the push up. The push-up position is the basic position. At the beginning, the left leg is placed next to the left hand. At that moment, the right leg stays behind.

Now take turns and bring your right leg forward. At the same time you lead the left one backwards. It is important to ensure that the movement is performed fluently. Start with 15-20 executions.


This training exercise can also be called forearm support and uses all muscle groups in the optimal execution. To do this, lie on your stomach on the floor and stand up with your limbs shoulder-width apart. Make sure your elbow is placed directly under your shoulder.

Now raise your pelvis until your posture is as straight as a board. In order to get an optimal spine position, your gaze is directed to the ground. Because this is the only way to ensure that you are really straight. Try to stay in this pose for 30-60 seconds.

pull ups

At the beginning there is unfortunately a small investment of around 20 euros to buy a pull-up bar. This is very easy to attach to almost any door and will help you to improve your technique. The good thing is that you can use it for a short moment every day to practice on it. If you don't want to make the investment, you can also choose to use a protruding door frame if you have one.

For a clean pull-up, the grip around the bar should be slightly wider than shoulder-width. The starting position is that your arms are fully extended at the start. Now pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Then you bring yourself back to the starting position.

Toes to Bar

Toes to Bar means "toes to the bar". This exercise is performed exactly like the pull-ups on a slope. Make sure that you pull your shoulders together. Now you gain momentum with your feet and swing them in front of your torso in the direction of the pull-up bar.

Try to lift your pelvis so that you can touch the bar with your toes. If you're unable to bring your toes to the bar, chances are you're pulling your knees toward your elbows. This is called Knees to Elbow. Do 15-20 of these at a time.


By far the most popular exercise are the burpees, because this exercise not only trains all your muscle groups, but sometimes also your condition. This goes as follows. You jump backwards with both legs and at the same time bring yourself into the push-up position towards the floor. Your elbows should be as close as possible to your torso, because your torso is active.

When your chest hits the floor, do a squat jump over the push-up position. The position of your legs should then be outside of your hands. From this position, jump up and smack your head. In the beginning you can do about 10 pieces.

Which is really important if you want to do cross-sport exercises at home

Please make sure that you perform the movements as cleanly and correctly as possible with every crossfitness training session at home. If this is too difficult at first, it is better to seek help and get advice. In this way you can counteract the incorrect exercise of the movements.

If you don't have the opportunity to get a cross trainer to your side yourself, then try to focus on the correct execution and not on the given period of time. Only pay attention to the period of time when you have internalized the motor skills of the exercises.

Cross training exercises

As with any other sport, it is important to warm up. Take a short moment before training and bring your body into a basic heat to minimize the risk of injury. In this way you can gently prepare your body for the upcoming exertion. Dynamic warm-up training is recommended. This should take about 5 to 8 minutes.

Try to do some light jumps on the spot. You are welcome to use a skipping rope to get an even better result. Then you should do a few exercises like push-ups, squats and lunges to bring your muscles up to operating temperature. To get your mobility going, you can stretch or stretch a little.

It is also important to mention that you include a cool-down phase after training. This only lasts for a short moment to let you come down from the exertion of the training.

Conclusion on cross sports

Of course, cross-sport is something completely different from other sports. Anyone can do the training, but only a few have the right to work on themselves and their deficiencies. Because humans are basically creatures of habit and only like to do things that they think they can and know better.

In cross-sport, there is no real routine. Each WOD focuses on a different area of ​​the workout. Exactly this diversity makes the sport special and interesting at the same time. You definitely go beyond your limits, but that's how you leave your comfort zone and broaden your horizons. You can learn a lot about your body and mind with this sport.

There is no question that the effectiveness of the training and the cohesion of the community in cross training are enormous. So it would be an option to overcome your weaker self and make your own cross-sport experiences. If you need a few tips on this, you should simply contact a cross-training box in your area. You can easily find where the next one is on the internet.