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Stretching – better before or after exercise?

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Stretching Before or After Exercise: A Comprehensive Guide

Stretching is a fundamental component in the world of sports and fitness that is often overlooked or misunderstood. It is a type of physical activity that intentionally lengthens certain muscles or tendons to improve muscle flexibility and range of motion. It plays a crucial role in preparing the body for physical stress and promoting faster recovery after exercise.

The importance of stretching goes beyond just improving flexibility. It can also help reduce the risk of injury, improve athletic performance, increase blood circulation, and improve muscle tone. Additionally, it can serve as a valuable tool for stress management and relaxation.

In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the world of stretching: why it's important, when it's best done, and what mistakes to avoid. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, there are always new insights and techniques to discover in the field of stretching.

Stretching before strength training

Stretching before strength training can play an essential role in preparing your body for the workout ahead. It helps warm muscles, improve blood circulation and increase flexibility, which ultimately helps reduce the risk of injury.

Benefits of Stretching Before Strength Training

  • Increases flexibility and mobility, which can lead to better exercise execution.
  • Improves blood circulation and prepares the muscles for the upcoming workout.
  • Can help increase awareness of one's body, which in turn improves coordination and balance.

Disadvantages of stretching before strength training

  • If done improperly, muscle strains or tears can occur.
  • Studies have shown that intense static stretching before exercise can reduce muscle strength and performance in the short term.

Practical tips and techniques for stretching before strength training

  • Prefer dynamic stretching before training. Dynamic stretching involves movements that gently guide your muscles through a full range of motion. It can be more effective in preparing the body for exercise because it activates and warms up the muscles.
  • Perform stretches that target the muscles you'll be using during your workout.
  • Don't stretch too hard or for too long. A gentle tug is sufficient and the stretch should not be painful.
  • Pay attention to your breathing while stretching. Deep, steady breaths can help relax muscles and improve blood circulation.

Stretching after strength training

Stretching after strength training has several benefits and is an important part of the cool down process. It can support regeneration, relieve muscle tension and improve flexibility.

Benefits of Stretching After Strength Training

  • Promotes muscle relaxation: After an intense workout, muscles may be tense and shortened. Stretching helps relax them and restore them to their normal length.
  • Supports regeneration: Stretching can help improve blood circulation and nutrient flow to muscles, which can speed recovery.
  • Reduces muscle soreness: Stretching after strength training can help reduce the severity of muscle soreness.
  • Improves flexibility and mobility: Regular stretching after exercise can help improve overall flexibility and range of motion.

Practical tips and techniques

  • Here, I prefer static stretching after strength training: Static stretching, which involves holding a specific position for a specific amount of time (typically 15-60 seconds), can be particularly useful after exercise to relax muscles and improve flexibility.
  • Stretch all major muscle groups: Make sure to stretch all major muscle groups that were used during the workout. These usually include the leg, hip, back, chest and shoulder muscles.
  • Don't stretch too intensively: Stretching should create a slight pull in the muscle but should not be painful. If you feel pain, ease the stretch slightly.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly: Try to breathe deeply and evenly while stretching. This can help relax the muscles and increase the effectiveness of stretching.

So what now: stretching before or after training?

Stretching is an essential part of any exercise program and can be done both before and after exercise. But when is the right time to stretch and what benefits does it bring?

Stretching before training

Stretching before exercise, especially dynamic stretching, can warm up muscles and improve flexibility. It prepares the body for the upcoming workout and can reduce the risk of injury. Some studies suggest that stretching before exercise can improve athletic performance, although results are inconsistent.

Stretching after training

After exercise, stretching, especially static stretching, is an effective way to promote muscle relaxation and speed recovery. It can help relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and reduce muscle soreness. Another benefit of stretching after exercise is improving flexibility and mobility.

Recommendations based on scientific research and expert opinions

Based on current research and expert opinions, it is recommended to stretch both before and after exercise. Before training, the focus should be on dynamic stretching to warm up the muscles and improve flexibility. After training, static stretching can help relax muscles and support recovery.

Static and dynamic stretching

Static stretching refers to a method that involves holding a specific stretching position for an extended period of time (usually 15-60 seconds). It aims to improve the flexibility and length of muscles and tendons.


  • Improves flexibility and mobility of muscles and joints.
  • Can help relieve muscle tension and promote regeneration.
  • Easy to perform and requires no special equipment.


  • If done incorrectly, injuries can occur.
  • May temporarily reduce muscle strength and performance if done immediately before exercise.

Static stretching is usually recommended after exercise or as a stand-alone flexibility exercise. It can help relax muscles, improve blood circulation and increase flexibility.

Dynamic stretching whereas, involves movements that gently guide the muscles and joints through their full range of motion. This type of stretching often mimics the movements performed during a sporting activity.


  • Effectively warms up the muscles and prepares the body for training.
  • May improve athletic performance when done before exercise.
  • Promotes coordination and balance.


  • If done incorrectly, injuries can occur.
  • Requires more skill and control than static stretching.

Dynamic stretching is often done before exercise. It is intended to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming workout. It helps improve mobility and can reduce the risk of injury.

When is the best time to stretch?

The optimal time to stretch can vary depending on the type of activity and individual goals.

Strength training

Before strength training, a dynamic warm-up, including light stretching, can be useful to prepare the muscles for the upcoming stress. After strength training, static stretching is a good way to relax the muscles and promote regeneration.

endurance training

Here, too, dynamic stretching before training can help warm up the muscles and improve mobility. After cardio training, static stretching can help relieve muscle tension and increase flexibility.


Yoga inherently involves a lot of stretching, so it's not entirely necessary to do additional stretching. However, if you want to improve certain asanas (yoga positions), additional static stretching might be helpful.

Recommendations based on the individual's goals

Increase flexibility

Static stretching is particularly effective for increasing flexibility. It should be done regularly, ideally daily or at least several times a week.

Prevent injuries

Dynamic stretching before exercise can reduce the risk of injury by warming up muscles and improving flexibility. Static stretching after exercise can help relieve muscle tension and increase flexibility, which can also help prevent injuries.

improve performance

Dynamic stretching before exercise can improve athletic performance by warming up muscles and improving flexibility. However, static stretching immediately before a performance activity can temporarily reduce muscle strength and performance and should therefore be avoided.

Error while stretching

Stretching is an important exercise for improving flexibility and preventing injuries. However, there are some common mistakes people make when stretching that can reduce their effectiveness and even lead to injury.

Mistake #1: Skipping stretching

Some people skip stretching altogether or don't stretch enough. It's important to take time to stretch, both before and after exercise.

Mistake #2: Not warming up before stretching

Warming up before stretching is important to warm up the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.

Mistake #3: Stretching too fast and too far

Another common mistake is people trying to stretch too fast or too far. It is important to perform stretches slowly and in a controlled manner and never stretch past the point of discomfort.

Mistake #4: Wrong technique

Improper stretching technique can reduce the effectiveness of stretching and increase the risk of injury. It is important to learn and use the correct technique.

Mistake #5: Stretching injured muscles

Stretching injured muscles can worsen the injury and delay the healing process. It is important to allow injured muscles to heal adequately and consult a doctor if necessary.

To avoid these mistakes, you should:

  • Take time to stretch.
  • Warm up before stretching.
  • Perform stretching exercises slowly and in a controlled manner.
  • Learn and apply the correct technique.
  • Allow injured muscles to heal sufficiently and make an appointment with a doctor if necessary.

Conclusion on stretching

In summary, stretching is a valuable exercise that can help improve flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and increase athletic performance. It should be an integral part of your training program and carried out with care and attention.