Calisthenics workout plan information for beginners
Calisthenics Workout Plan – Tips & Tricks from TOLYMP
Calisthenics is a combination of strength and endurance training using only your own body weight. A calisthenics workout is a very effective way to build muscle and strength, as well as train flexibility and coordination. A calisthenics workout plan can strengthen your body without the need for expensive equipment or weights. With the right training, both beginners and advanced users can achieve their goals.
A possible calisthenics workout plan
For an effective calisthenics routine, you need regular exercise, a healthy and balanced eating plan, and a lot of discipline. You can follow the following calisthenics workout plan to get started:
- 10 push-ups
- 8 squats (with rest between sets)
- 10 pull-ups
- 8 push-ups (with rest between sets)
- 15 sit-ups or crunches
- 6 push-ups (with rest between sets)
- 5 squats (with rest between sets)
- 10 push-ups (with rest between sets)
- 10 chin-ups or lat pulldown diets
- 15 crunches or sit-ups
- 60 second sprint in an interval sprint system. Then, when your breath is under control, begin the next sprint.
- 7 push-ups (with rest between sets)
- 25 pull-ups on the pull-up bar (with rest between sets)
- 12 Burpees
- 4 minute escape workout – run as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then do 30 seconds of unilateral lunge workout, side flexes, and side to side commutes. Repeat this sequence 3 times.
- 10 push-ups (with rest between sets)
- 15 pull-ups on the pull-up bar (with rest between sets)
Friday – Rest day: On this day you should occasionally do your mobility training and make your body “loose”. You can stretch, practice combinations of ballet movements, try yoga, or use massage to loosen muscles and reduce pain.
Saturday: Repeat Monday's calisthenics workout plan.
Sunday: Repeat Tuesday's calisthenics workout plan.
Calisthenics legs workout
For a calisthenics legs workout you can try the following exercises:
- Squats: Put your hands at your sides and take a big step back. Put your weight on your heels, lower your body, and try to get your right knee as close to the floor as possible. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds before coming back up. Repeat this 10 times per side.
- lunges: Start with a normal posture - back straight, chest out, and shoulders back. Put your weight on your right foot and take a big step forward. Lower your body until your left knee is bent 90 degrees and hold the position for 3-5 seconds before coming back up. Repeat this 10 times per side.
- One leg push ups: Start in the push-up with your hands placed side by side and slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Now shift the weight from the right arm to the left arm, stand on the left foot and lift the right foot (possibly you can cross it behind the left foot). Go down into the push-up position and try to stay in the position for at least 1 second. Come back up and repeat 5 times per side.
Back workout calisthenics
For a calisthenics back workout you can try the following exercises:
- Pull ups or chin ups: Grab the pull-up bar with a shoulder-width grip. Pull your body up until your chin is straight against the bar and hold it for a second before coming back down. Repeat this 8-10 times.
- lat: Put your feet on the ground and grab a rope or resistance band. Hold onto the ends and stretch your torso backwards so your arms are straight. Now pull the ends towards your core and hold for 1 second before returning to the starting position. Repeat this 10 times per side.
- Superman: Lie on your stomach and then raise your arms and legs at the same time - cross your arms over your head as if you are trying to fly - if your thighs rattle off the floor, it's perfect! Hold for 5 seconds and then slowly lower your arms/legs back down. Repeat this 10 times.
Chest Workout Calisthenics
For a calisthenics chest workout you can try the following exercises:
- pushups: Start in the push-up position. Try to move your shoulder blades as if you're extending them outward and try not to drop your hips, but keep the position straight. Lower the body as far as possible and hold there for 1 second. Then bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat this 10-12 times per side.
- Dips: Grab onto the dip station or something solid and place your feet in front of you. Raise your body by pushing off, then lower it evenly for 3 seconds until it's just off the ground - pause here for 1 second before coming back up. Repeat this 10-15 times.
What is a calisthenics push workout?
A calisthenics push workout is a combination of strength and endurance exercises designed to strengthen the upper body. It can feature patterns and exercises consisting of push-ups, dips, push-ups as well as other exercises. It mainly focuses on the muscle groups in the chest, shoulders and triceps. The aim is to create an efficient full-body workout and thereby improve endurance and strength levels in the long term.
What is the difference between a calisthenics push and a calisthenics pull workout?
The difference between a push and a pull workout is that a push workout focuses on the muscle groups in the chest, shoulders, and triceps, while a pull workout focuses on the muscle groups in the back, shoulders, and biceps.
Push workouts can include exercises like push-ups, dips, and push-ups, while pull workouts typically include pull-ups, chin-ups, and other exercises.